Jacques Poulin-Denis is a creator, composer, choreographer and performer. Undertaking projects that blur the boundaries between dance, music and theater, he creates humanistic and uncanny works that are both sensorial and thought provoking. To gently knock the spectator off center, he puts forth the strength within the vulnerability of the characters he brings to life.

Counting over twelve different productions, Jacques Poulin-Denis’ work has been seen in over sixty cities across Canada, as well as in Europe, the United States and Asia. He is an artist in residence of l’Agora de la danse in Montreal, and was awarded a two month residency in Berlin during the Tanz Im August Festival, as well as several choreographic research periods in Montreal, Victoria, Vancouver, Bassano and Seoul.

He develops an interdisciplinary approach to creation, which he regularly teaches through workshops and master classes. He is a close collaborator of choreographer Mélanie Demers and has been active with her company, Mayday, as a composer and performer since 2006. Jacques Poulin-Denis is the winner of an Isadora Duncan Dance Awards, San Francisco in 2004 and a Saskatoon Area Theatre Award in 2009.

portrait du chorégraphe et danseur Jacques Poulin Denis

Photo : Marjorie Guindon

Jacques Poulin-Denis confirme ses talents complémentaires de chorégraphe, compositeur et interprète d’ambiances et formes bigarrées, accrocheuses, souvent sarcastiques à l’endroit de l’homme et du monde modernes. Brigitte Manolo, DF Danse, 2014

Jacques Poulin-Denis
© Dominique T. Skoltz, 2014