In addition to the many productions he has created within Grand Poney, Jacques Poulin-Denis is very involved in promoting dance, creativity and self-expression.

Through the many different conferences and workshops he has created, he is able to connect both with professional artists and with the general public and youth. The outreach he offers focuses on the notion of resilience and our ability to overcome life’s obstacles. He exposes the difficulties he encountered following an accident which cost him his right foot while he was completing his training as a dancer. Today, despite the odds, he has succeeded in establishing his unique style as a performer and choreographer. He now shares the philosophy he has developed through his creations: transforming problems into advantages and unexpected obstacles into unknown opportunities.

In 2023-2024, a total of 33 school groups benefited from the workshops given alongside ON/OFF’s tour.

For more information about the workshops offered, please contact our cultural mediator Simon-Xavier Lefebvre, at